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The food related quality of life questionnaire (FRQOL) is a tool used to measure the impact of food-related issues on a person’s quality of life. It is a self-administered questionnaire that consists of 24 items, each of which is scored on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = never, 2 = rarely, 3 = sometimes, 4 = often, 5 = always). The total score for the questionnaire is calculated by summing the scores for all 24 items, with a higher score indicating a greater impact of food-related issues on quality of life.

The FRQOL was developed in the late 1980s as a way to assess the impact of food allergies and intolerances on quality of life. However, it has since been used in a variety of other populations, including people with gastrointestinal disorders, cancer, and eating disorders. The FRQOL has been shown to be a reliable and valid measure of food-related quality of life, and it has been used in a number of research studies to investigate the impact of food-related issues on quality of life.

The FRQOL consists of three sections. The first section asks about the impact of food-related issues on a person’s physical health, such as their ability to eat and digest food, their energy levels, and their sleep. The second section asks about the impact of food-related issues on a person’s mental health, such as their anxiety, depression, and self-esteem. The third section asks about the impact of food-related issues on a person’s social and emotional well-being, such as their ability to participate in social activities and their relationships with family and friends.

Food related quality of life questionnaire

The food related quality of life questionnaire (FRQOL) is a tool used to measure the impact of food-related issues on a person’s quality of life.

  • Reliable and valid.
  • Self-administered.

The FRQOL is a valuable tool for clinicians and researchers who are working with people who have food-related issues.

Reliable and valid.

The FRQOL has been shown to be a reliable and valid measure of food-related quality of life. This means that it is consistent in its measurement and that it accurately measures what it is intended to measure.

The reliability of the FRQOL has been demonstrated in several studies. For example, one study found that the FRQOL had a high test-retest reliability, meaning that people’s scores on the questionnaire were consistent over time. Another study found that the FRQOL had a high internal consistency, meaning that the different items on the questionnaire were all measuring the same thing.

The validity of the FRQOL has also been demonstrated in several studies. For example, one study found that the FRQOL was able to distinguish between people with food allergies and people without food allergies. Another study found that the FRQOL was able to detect changes in food-related quality of life over time in people with gastrointestinal disorders.

The reliability and validity of the FRQOL make it a valuable tool for clinicians and researchers who are working with people who have food-related issues. The FRQOL can be used to assess the impact of food-related issues on a person’s quality of life, to track changes in food-related quality of life over time, and to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving food-related quality of life.

The FRQOL is a widely used and well-respected tool for measuring food-related quality of life. It is a valuable resource for clinicians and researchers who are working to improve the lives of people with food-related issues.


The FRQOL is a self-administered questionnaire, meaning that it can be completed by the person without the need for a healthcare professional to be present. This makes it a convenient and accessible tool for assessing food-related quality of life.

There are several advantages to using a self-administered questionnaire. First, it reduces the burden on healthcare professionals, who may not have the time or resources to administer the questionnaire themselves. Second, it allows people to complete the questionnaire in their own time and at their own pace. This can be especially important for people who have difficulty communicating with healthcare professionals or who feel embarrassed about discussing their food-related issues.

The FRQOL is a well-designed questionnaire that is easy for people to understand and complete. It is also available in a variety of languages, making it accessible to a wide range of people.

The self-administered nature of the FRQOL makes it a valuable tool for clinicians and researchers who are working with people who have food-related issues. The FRQOL can be used to assess the impact of food-related issues on a person’s quality of life, to track changes in food-related quality of life over time, and to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving food-related quality of life.

The FRQOL is a widely used and well-respected tool for measuring food-related quality of life. It is a valuable resource for clinicians and researchers who are working to improve the lives of people with food-related issues.


Food related quality of life questionnaire

Question 1: What is the food related quality of life questionnaire (FRQOL)?

Answer 1: The FRQOL is a tool used to measure the impact of food-related issues on a person’s quality of life. It is a self-administered questionnaire that consists of 24 items, each of which is scored on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = never, 2 = rarely, 3 = sometimes, 4 = often, 5 = always).

Question 2: Who can use the FRQOL?

Answer 2: The FRQOL can be used by anyone who is experiencing food-related issues, such as food allergies, intolerances, or gastrointestinal disorders. It can also be used by people who are at risk for developing food-related issues, such as people with a family history of food allergies or intolerances.

Question 3: How is the FRQOL scored?

Answer 3: The FRQOL is scored by summing the scores for all 24 items. A higher score indicates a greater impact of food-related issues on quality of life.

Question 4: What are the benefits of using the FRQOL?

Answer 4: The FRQOL can help clinicians and researchers to:

  • Assess the impact of food-related issues on a person’s quality of life
  • Track changes in food-related quality of life over time
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving food-related quality of life

Question 5: Where can I find the FRQOL?

Answer 5: The FRQOL is available online and in many medical libraries. It can also be obtained from the authors of the questionnaire.

Question 6: How long does it take to complete the FRQOL?

Answer 6: The FRQOL typically takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.

Closing Paragraph: The FRQOL is a valuable tool for clinicians and researchers who are working with people who have food-related issues. It is a reliable, valid, and self-administered questionnaire that can be used to assess the impact of food-related issues on quality of life, track changes in food-related quality of life over time, and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving food-related quality of life.

In addition to using the FRQOL, there are a number of other things that clinicians and researchers can do to improve the quality of life of people with food-related issues. These include providing education and support to patients and their families, advocating for policies that improve access to safe and affordable food, and conducting research to develop new and more effective treatments for food-related disorders.


In addition to using the FRQOL, there are a number of other things that clinicians and researchers can do to improve the quality of life of people with food-related issues. These include:

Tip 1: Provide education and support to patients and their families.

Education and support can help people with food-related issues to better understand their condition, manage their symptoms, and cope with the challenges of living with a food-related disorder. This can include providing information about the condition, dietary advice, and emotional support.

Tip 2: Advocate for policies that improve access to safe and affordable food.

Access to safe and affordable food is essential for people with food-related issues. Clinicians and researchers can advocate for policies that make it easier for people to access the food they need, such as policies that increase the availability of healthy food in underserved communities and policies that provide financial assistance to people who cannot afford to buy food.

Tip 3: Conduct research to develop new and more effective treatments for food-related disorders.

Research is essential for developing new and more effective treatments for food-related disorders. Clinicians and researchers can conduct research to identify new targets for therapy, develop new drugs and treatments, and evaluate the effectiveness of existing treatments.

Tip 4: Collaborate with other healthcare professionals.

Food-related issues can often be complex and require a team approach to management. Clinicians and researchers can collaborate with other healthcare professionals, such as dietitians, psychologists, and social workers, to provide comprehensive care to people with food-related issues.

Closing Paragraph: By following these tips, clinicians and researchers can help to improve the quality of life of people with food-related issues.

The FRQOL is a valuable tool for clinicians and researchers who are working to improve the lives of people with food-related issues. It is a reliable, valid, and self-administered questionnaire that can be used to assess the impact of food-related issues on quality of life, track changes in food-related quality of life over time, and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving food-related quality of life.


The FRQOL is a valuable tool for clinicians and researchers who are working to improve the lives of people with food-related issues. It is a reliable, valid, and self-administered questionnaire that can be used to assess the impact of food-related issues on quality of life, track changes in food-related quality of life over time, and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving food-related quality of life.

The FRQOL has been used in a variety of populations, including people with food allergies and intolerances, gastrointestinal disorders, cancer, and eating disorders. It has been shown to be a sensitive and responsive measure of food-related quality of life, and it has been used to identify factors that are associated with poor food-related quality of life.

The FRQOL can be used to help clinicians and researchers to better understand the impact of food-related issues on people’s lives. This information can be used to develop more effective interventions to improve food-related quality of life. Additionally, the FRQOL can be used to track changes in food-related quality of life over time, which can be helpful in evaluating the effectiveness of interventions.

Closing Message: The FRQOL is a valuable tool that can be used to improve the lives of people with food-related issues. Clinicians and researchers should consider using the FRQOL in their work to help people with food-related issues to live better lives.

Food Related Quality of Life Questionnaire